34-24 82nd Street
Erected in 1937 in Neo-Georgian style to the designs of Joshua Tabachnik, The Allendale is a six story elevator prewar comprised of eighty three units. It offers a newly renovated laundry room, live-in super and a garden with ample seating. It is conveniently located within the Jackson Heights Historic District, within striking distance of 82nd Street Train Station, bus lines, various shopping options, restaurants and a short walk to express trains
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Managed by All Area Management
Built in 1937 to designs by Joshua Tabatchnik, the six-story-and-basement Allendale Apartments is among die later apartment buildings erected in the historic district. Typical of that phase of development, the building occupies a large mid-block site and is planned with two lightcourts which break up the long street front into three sections. The widest section, at the center, has a shallow recess where the entrance is located, flanked by full-height three-sided bays; each lightcourt has a similar bay. Designed in the neo-Georgian style, the building is similar to a number of other contemporary buildings in the historic district. Elements which are typical of the style include brickwork imitating quoins; monumental brick pilasters with stone trim, applied to the upper facade; brick dentil courses and entablatures; tripartite Palladian-inspired windows set into relieving arches composed of brick headers; gables with oculi at the roofline; and parapet balustrades. Niches flanking die entrance contain urns. A few original multi-pane wood windows survive at the basement level. The entrance doors have been replaced.
— nyc.gov
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