News Spotlight on Jackson Heights Real Estate

In the recent months we have seen a major news spotlight on Jackson Heights real estate . Though it has been no secret to home seekers that prices are on a rapid rise in Jackson Heights for several years now, recent leasing-out of the luxury 73rd street luxury rental development The Roosevelt, and recent record Coop sales have kept the media spotlight steady on Jackosn Heights.

These statistics also grabbed the attention of REBNY, Real Estate Board of New York. A Queens focused seminar has been called, which will have Armen & Armen in attendance. Though we have seen a considerable influx of REBNY member agents bringing their buyers to our Jackoson Heights listings, based on added effort from REBNY we may see these numbers grow.

You may recall the article I wrote back in May of 2013 titled:  Unemployment Improves, Jackson Heights Real Estate Market Soars , where I stated:

” At this rate we predict that median price for renovated Jackson Heights one bedroom units will reach $300,000 + in the coming year and two bedroom units will trade in the area of $450,000.”

Today’s market mirrors my prediction from a year ago and right on schedule.

We have begun conducting free evaluation opinions for owners curiious about their property values , and needless to say there have been many smiles in Jackson Heights in the recent months.




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