From REBNY: latest updates on the recovery efforts from Sandy

From REBNY: latest updates on the recovery efforts from Sandy –November 2, 2012

As recovery efforts continue, we wanted to inform you of the continuing updates we receive.

If your building is still flooded and you still need a pump, you may contact Ryan Baxter. We also have compiled a list of available contractors for remediation here.

Temporary Space:

  • REBNY has compiled a list of available properties which we are posting and continually updating on ourwebsite.
  • If you need space or have tenants seeking space, please feel free to contact those on the list directly.
  • If you have temporary space that you can make available, please let us know about the space you have, a contact person, and how best to reach him/her.
  • The Mayor’s Office is also looking for volunteer space for the city to set up temporary office space for individuals who have been displaced. Please let us know if you are interested in speaking to them.

DOB Updates:

  • Work to secure the crane at 57th Street is expected to begin tomorrow and will take about 36 hours.
  • The NYPD will now escort residents & hotel guests into buildings in frozen zone surrounding the West 57 Street crane in Manhattan. To get access, meet them at West 57th Street and 6th Avenue.
  • For Zone A buildings, the procedure to re-gain access to the building is explained here.

Mass Transit Updates:

  • The Holland Tunnel is now open with access for buses and emergency vehicles.
  • The pumping of the Battery Tunnel is slated to be completed today.
  • The Staten Island Ferry started running today at noon with half-hourly service.
  • The HOV restrictions into Manhattan will end at 5pm tonight, and will not resume unless traffic conditions warrant it.

Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund:

The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City has set up a donation page for individuals who would like to contribute to the recovery efforts from Hurricane Sandy. One hundred percent of donations will be dispersed directly to relief efforts and organizations. If you prefer to write a check, it can be made out to the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City with Hurricane Sandy in the memo line and sent to:

Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City
253 Broadway, 8th Floor
NYC NY 10007

For any further information please call 212-788-7794 and thank you in advance for your generosity in our city’s time of need.

Emergency Work Permits for Boilers

DEP has set up an expedited process for homeowners and businesses to get temporary permits for boilers from DEP. The new process is explained here.

NYC Food and Water Distribution

New York City has set up some food and water distribution areas for residents who have been without power. For a list of the locations, please visit

Dry Ice Supplies:

Con Edison will be distributing dry ice at the following locations until supplies run out. Personnel will also be available to answer questions.

  • Brooklyn: Walgreen’s 532 Neptune Ave (between W. 5th & 6th Streets)
  • Bronx: 1846 Radcliff Avenue (Between Morris Park Avenue & Rhinelander Avenue)
  • Queens: Francis Lewis Playground PS130 (at Francis Lewis Blvd & 42 Avenue
  • Staten Island: Entrance to Great Kills Park on Buffalo Street
  • Manhattan: 14th Street and Union Square West (South Side)

From REBNY: latest updates on the recovery efforts from Sandy — November 1, 2012

As recovery efforts continue, we wanted to inform you of the continuing updates we receive.

If your building is still flooded and you still need a pump, please contact Ryan Baxter who has a list of available suppliers.

Temporary Space:

REBNY has compiled a list of available properties which we are posting and continually updating on our website.

  • If you need space or have tenants seeking space, please feel free to contact those on the list directly.
  • If you have temporary space that you can make available, please let us know about the space you have, a contact person, and how best to reach him/her.
  • The Mayor’s Office is also looking for volunteer space for the city to set up temporary office space for individuals who have been displaced. Please let us know if you are interested in speaking to them.

DOB Construction Embargo Lifted:

The Department of Buildings has announced that all exterior construction may resume as of November 1, 2012. Please note that safety and that inspection requirements have changed since our last communication with you regarding cranes, scaffolds, sidewalk sheds and hoists that need to be inspected. More information can be found here.

Buildings within Zone A that were evacuated prior to the storm may be reoccupied once the building has been inspected.

Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund:

The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City has set up a donation page for individuals who would like to contribute to the recovery efforts from Hurricane Sandy. One hundred percent of donations will be dispersed directly to relief efforts and organizations. If you prefer to write a check, it can be made out to the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City with Hurricane Sandy in the memo line and sent to:

Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City
253 Broadway, 8th Floor
NYC NY 10007

For any further information please call 212-788-7794 and thank you in advance for your generosity in our city’s time of need.

Con Edison/Power:

Con Ed expects that all power for customers served by the underground network will be returned by this Saturday. Overhead customers should be back by November 11th.

Con Edison Steam is also experiencing capacity constraints, and has asked all of its steam customers to voluntarily reduce steam usage to the maximum extent possible during load periods to enable them to get past capacity constraints and avoid additional customer outages. If you have questions, you can contact them at 1-800-75CONED (1-800-752-6633).

Suspension of Water Discharge Permits from DEP:

DEP is temporarily suspending their water discharge permit requirements in order to allow buildings to pump out flood water more quickly. Buildings must make all reasonable efforts to recover any hazardous material, such as fuel oil floating on water. There is more information in this press release following this authorization from the State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Staten Island Ferry and Transportation Update:

The Staten Island Ferry is expected to be operational again within the next day or so with return to a full schedule by Saturday. The HOV restrictions on crossings to Manhattan will continue through Friday and apply to all non-commercial private vehicles without exception.


From REBNY: the latest updates on the recovery efforts from Hurricane Sandy — October 31, 2012

Below are the latest updates on the recovery efforts from Hurricane Sandy.  Please note that the Zone A Evacuation Order is still in effect and Department of Building’s Rapid Assessment team is inspecting all buildings in that zone. The City is still evaluating whether to activate the Corporate Emergency Access System but should be deciding shortly. Schools will be closed tomorrow and Friday.

The restoration of power and mass transit remain top priorities. It is also important for us to have good information so that we can communicate it to government officials as quickly as possible.  Your assistance in this regard would be most appreciated.

REBNY Information Requests:  If you have information on any of the following, please email Angela Pinsky and Shannon Fales.

  • We are still collecting information on buildings that are experiencing problems due to the storm. Please send addresses, the issues you have, and any needs for equipment.
  • If you have temporary space that you can make available to displaced tenants, let us know about the space you have, a contact person, and how best to reach him/her.
  • If you need temporary office space, we are helping to connect displaced tenants with spaces.
  • If you have access to pumps and generators or if you need them, please let us know.

Infrastructure Update:

  • Verizon’s Broad Street Central office is still out of service. Their West Street office is back up and running. They are working to restore wireless and data service in lower Manhattan.
  • Con Edison reports that all Manhattan and Brooklyn underground networks should be restored by Friday or Saturday. Above ground networks in Staten Island and Westchester will not be restored for at least a week.

Additional Water Services: DEP is setting up water-on-the-go stations for buildings experiencing a disruption in their water service in the following areas:

  • 23rd and 8th Ave
  • 23rd and 2nd Ave
  • 14th and 8th Ave
  • Houston and 6th Ave
  • Canal and Centre St
  • Monroe Street (already set-up)

Mass Transit Update:

  • The Mayor has announced that the East River crossings, including the Midtown Tunnel, will be restricted to three or more passengers and Governor Cuomo has placed the same restrictions on the RFK Bridge, the Lincoln Tunnel, and the Henry Hudson Bridge. This only applies to cars traveling into Manhattan.
  • As of 2pm today, Metro North will be restoring limited service on the Harlem line between North White Plains and Grand Central Terminal.
  • The LIRR is running limited service between Jamaica and Atlantic Avenue
  • Beginning Thursday morning, there will be limited subway service supplemented by a bus shuttle between Downtown Brooklyn and Midtown. There will be no subway service between 34th Street and Downtown Brooklyn.
  • Buses are as close to weekday schedule as possible and are still free.
  • Access-a-Ride is up and running.
  • The Staten Island Ferry service is still suspended. The Ferry Terminal has significant damage to wiring and they do not expect to be up and running again by Sunday.

Small Business Disaster Assistance:

  • The Mayor has announced a program to help businesses recover. More details are available about the financial assistance that is available can be found here.
  • The Economic Development Corporation also has 40,000 sf of space at the Brooklyn Navy Yard that is available to displaced businesses. To get access to that space, please visit their request page.
  • Senator Schumer has been working to make a number of emergency programs from the US Small Business Administration available. For questions, you can contact the SBA Hotline at 1-800-659-2955 or the Senator’s Office at 212-486-7804.
  • The application filing deadline for Physical Damage is December 31, 2012 and for Economic Injury is July 31, 2013.
  • Below are the types of Disaster Loans that are available:
    • Home Disaster Loans – Loans to homeowners or renters to repair or replace disaster-damaged real estate or personal property owned by the victim. Renters are eligible for their personal property losses, including automobiles.
    • Business Physical Disaster Loans – Loans to businesses to repair or replace disaster-damaged property owned by the business, including real estate, inventories, supplies, machinery and equipment. Businesses of any size are eligible. Private, non-profit organizations such as charities, churches, private universities, etc., are also eligible.
    • Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) – Working capital loans to help small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture, and most private, non-profit organizations of all sizes meet their ordinary and necessary financial obligations that cannot be met as a direct result of the disaster. These loans are intended to assist through the disaster recovery period.
    • EIDL assistance is available only to entities and their owners who cannot provide for their own recovery from non-government sources, as determined by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

For further updates, please visit:

Please contact the Real Estate Industry desk at the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management at the OEM desk(718) 422-8830 if you are experiencing issues.


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